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Butterfly Carbon Company will cultivate Sargassum seaweeds on floating platforms and will harvest, bale, and sink the seaweeds into the ocean floor 1-5 km depth or even greater, to sequester carbon greater than 100-1,000 years and beyond. Currently, the company is searching for legitimate investors, who have passionate hearts, who will help in the development of its main goal which is carbon capture and sequestration from megaton to gigaton scale, using the cultivation of Sargassum seaweeds for carbon capture and carbon sequestration by safely sinking them into the ocean floor.

Image by Thomas Vimare

About Us

Our core innovation is the building of offshore floating farms for the Sargassum seaweeds supported by the near-shore floating Sargassum seaweed (nursery/cultivation) farms, the hybrid PV biogas-electric ships for harvest and transport, and the electricity generating gravity winches for charging our ship batteries and the sinking of megatonnes/gigatons of baled Sargassum seaweeds. The main difference between the cultivation and offshore floating farms is the potential for exponential growth from megatonnes to gigatonnes levels. Since the areas covered by the open-oceans are larger than those available near-shore, which are competing with commercial shipping lanes or tourist areas operating on island properties.

Image by Naja Bertolt Jensen


Sargassum fixes carbon dioxide into its biomass as it grows exponentially, doubling its
mass after every 10-18 days. This growth has the effect of unbalancing the amount of
carbon dioxide contained in the surrounding ocean areas. This will allow the surrounding
ocean waters where the Sargassum grows to eventually absorb more carbon dioxide from
the surrounding atmosphere into the ocean waters thereby decreasing the overall carbon
dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere.


If the ocean currents at the ocean floors at depths of 1-5 km and greater will just fluctuate
from near zero to a very low value, the sunk Sargassum seaweeds we will stay there
undisturbed, and will eventually pile up and naturally mix with sediments or sands of the ocean
floor sequestering carbon dioxide from the oceans and ultimately from the atmosphere. We
will build a digital monitoring system by constantly measuring the current conditions at the
seafloor levels to ensure that the megatons to gigatons of Sargassum seaweeds we will sink at
these oceans depths will stay there for at least 100 up to 1,000 years and even beyond to help
in the sequestration of carbon dioxide of the Earth’s atmosphere.


The Earth will benefit with our natural and organic approach to carbon capture and
sequestration for animal and plant biodiversity protection (including butterflies, bees, other
insects and micro-organisms), ocean healing, prevention of ocean acidification, production
of bio-stimulants for our agricultural lands, plus the additional megatons up to gigatons of
fresh oxygen gas for the whole world to breathe-in.

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